2011년 8월 2일 화요일

49 Cinnamon Chasers - Luv Deluxe (Music Video)

Cinnamon Chasers - Luv Deluxe (Music Video) from Saman Keshavarz on Vimeo.

Luv Deluxe by Cinnamon Chasers
Album: A Million Miles From Home
Director: Saman Keshavarz
Producer: Francis Pollara
Associate Producer: Nate Eggert
Cinematographer: Justin Gurnari
Editor: Nate Tam
Actress: Darcy Ripley ( pasmaldarcy.blogspot.com )
© Modus Records / Koch Entertainment 2009

2011년 2월 15일 화요일

47 / A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.

Watch "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.


2011년 2월 8일 화요일

46 / Anish Kapoor, Cloud Gate in Millenium Part

Massive reflective sculpture titled "Cloud Gate" (fondly referred to as "the bean" by local chicagoans) by artist Anish Kapoor. Millenium Park, Chicago IL
